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Going back .. should we do it?

Guest thebaddeleys

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Jacqui, it is not simply for many people an option to go back,many now have no career options back home because they have hoped that Adelaide would improve and stayed thus compromising employment prospects back home.In addition falling house prices here and exchange fluctuations mean often there is no option to go back,believe me i know many who would.


Cornishbusdriver i am a lawyer for gods sake,there is no one who did more research than me.Health issues for our family arose after we came and believe you me having long term health issues here is dire and the cost of medication is bloody scary.I would have no such worries in the uk.


Same **** shinier bucket,if only.


I am sure that if you both have decent jobs,in good health,you would see Adelaide in an entirely different light.


You should count yourself very lucky.



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Guest caoimhe

I am sure that if you both have decent jobs,in good health,you would see Adelaide in an entirely different light.


You should count yourself very lucky.




Neither myself or my husband have jobs at the minute. We are feeding our 4 children on the proceeds of our home that has take us 17 years of our lives to build up, we are on temp visa so are not entilted to full medicare or any help from centerlink. So we are not exactly lucky but are determind that we have made this decision and will do whatever possilbe to stick this out and make it work. But if I hated the place and the people as much as you seem to I would go home for my sanity if nothing else.

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cost of medication is bloody scary.I would have no such worries in the uk.

I'm sorry Sue, but I disagree with you on this.


Is the medication free in the UK, I dont think so, when I was long term sick attending a hospital in the UK, I could get a prescription for 5 or 6 items per visit (some times weekly visits), I didnt get help then so whats different now. I also had to arrange for transport to and from the hospital, when I couldn't drive (hospital was in a different city).


I dont know what the price of prescriptions are now, but back in 1992 they were about 5.00GBP per item, which being on long term sick it was difficult to afford too (no help then). Here at least the pharmacy will suggest a cheaper alternative if they can, I have always found them very helpful.



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Guest Beverley

I have been here 2yrs 8mnths, have 2 young boys at school and work long hours for a basic salary but in a job i really enjoy. My boys go to R-12 Hallett Cove state school and I find (so far) the method of teaching here very good. The first year the teacher invited her whole class back for a xmas party - that would be unheard of in England. I would say the cost of living is comparable with the UK but when I speak to family and friends back there they tell me the cost of food/petrol etc is constantly rising. Housing in Adelaide, is of course, much cheaper, dependant on where you lived in the UK, certainly where I came from (10 mins from Gatwick) I have got much more home for my money in Adelaide.


I came here with my husband for the better life. Unfortunately we split 5 months later, after 13 years together, I wont go into details, but you can imagine the turmoil that caused me and my family all insisted I should return home to the UK. I go back every year to see my parents as they are elderly and each year the place looks the same, the people are doing the same thing....oh and you can of course guarantee rain! I miss my family at times but I have no desire to return to the UK and I do think Australia is a much better place to bring up children with the vast open spaces, sense of freedom and numerous activities they can do.


I am a real outdoors person and encourage my boys to be the same. Like most kids they are happy to be glued to their playstation, computer etc., so most of this equipment is at their Dad's house. I am lucky enough to have a pool (they love swimming) and bought them a trampoline for xmas - table tennis table is next on the list. I know when I was a young child I spent heaps of time outside of the house playing games, using my imagination. Well the kids have still got it - when you turn off the TV or computer they start improvising and using their imagination, making camps out of chairs and blankets (god I remember doing that when I was little) and making their own fun. Winter does get cold here but frost is rare and most days are still bright and sunny so you can still get out. Adelaide encourages family days out, even the german festival on right now encourages you to bring the kids. You can go into most restaurants with children here and they are welcomed (not shunned as in most cases in the UK) as you would be welcomed in Spain or Greece.


Its a personal preference though at the end of the day. Of course you should give it a couple of years to really know, but it is also a gut feeling. I have always felt very at home in Australia, love the way of life and most Aussies are very friendly and helpful. Any migrant such as ourselves needs to integrate with their new countrymen in order to feel more at home, I have made some very special Australian friends as well as my British friends.


Anywhere you are, it is ultimately important that you like your job - if you are not working as you have little ones that can make you feel isolated but then I felt that back in the UK. I am sorry you are unable to get benefits (you will in time I guess?) - I do get some benefits due to low wage/single parent etc but then I have also taken on a large mortgage at interest only as thats the only way I could get one and that wasnt the 'dream'. Had my x and I still been together we would have had little or no mortgage. However, I still want to live in Australia and without doubt I feel so very much more at home now that I have bought my own here.


Well I do prattle on ...in short...i would give it more time....I hope things improve for you very soon.

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Having waded through all this it seems that there will always be the divide between those who feel they have it bad and those who are happy with their lot. Perhaps many of those who find it hard actually did okay in the UK. Maybe they had nice houses and good jobs where they were respected. Perhaps they had enough money and times weren't too tough. For these people it takes a lot of adjusting mentally to come to terms with what has been lost, before embracing (if they ever can) what has been gained.


Although we found some adjustments (to do with work mainly) hard at first and struggled financially we are now holding our own, through a determined effort to find and create our own luck, which was what we came here to do.


We had very little in the UK - yes we did own our own home, but we were in constant deficit even though we both worked with expensive taxation, no help from the government and expensive childcare. We are better off here in every conceivable way.


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i have read alot of this thread since my last comments and it strikes me that that are many people at different stages of life, and who have been here ( in aus) for differing periods of time.


From my own observations its interesting to note....


1 people have moved to aus at different times so for eg 3 yrs ago maybe more the economy was different , housing prices cheaper in comparison to uk so when you moved here you got more $ to the pound . Work easier to find, more opportunity etc, general social economic stuff.


things are not so easy now the exchange rate was 2.08 when we moved , house prices had risen considerably and we were/ are in a world recession. So people who set themselves up a good few years back are laughing, good on ya!! Alot of newbies arent faring so well a friend of mine had to shut his business down today, another may be out of a job in 2 months, another has just had to look for another job. another person i know their company is behind with their creidtors.


2 People who have migrated in past 12 months may have had it tougher because collapse of uk house prices and falling exchange rate = less available cash to liquidate into $ to spend in aus. Also many professions not as accessible as a few years back.


3 Migration is a very stressfull situation, i find it difficult to believe anyone can uproot their entire lives and be totallly 100 % happy from moment they step off a plane, if they are then they either have something they have to hide or their life in uk must have been very very unhappy (and i mean this in the senes that everyone has a past in the uk or country of origin and i cant believe there are people who miss nothing unless your in a war situation)


4 if you have nothing to gain from leaving the uk except for the chance of a better lifestyle (ie beach life, more time with children), then seriously consider it. we had good jobs, family support, financialy very secure, but in alot of terms are worse off. Hubby works longer, i work longer, on reflection FINANCIALLY we were better off in the uk. But socially,.... well socially we are much better off by far and you know what, im beginning to see that having weekends away is far better than 2 weeks in spain or europe 2 times a year for eg (apart from culture) .


just my opinion please dont flame :huh:

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Guest massive
i have read alot of this thread since my last comments and it strikes me that that are many people at different stages of life, and who have been here ( in aus) for differing periods of time.


From my own observations its interesting to note....


1 people have moved to aus at different times so for eg 3 yrs ago maybe more the economy was different , housing prices cheaper in comparison to uk so when you moved here you got more $ to the pound . Work easier to find, more opportunity etc, general social economic stuff.


things are not so easy now the exchange rate was 2.08 when we moved , house prices had risen considerably and we were/ are in a world recession. So people who set themselves up a good few years back are laughing, good on ya!! Alot of newbies arent faring so well a friend of mine had to shut his business down today, another may be out of a job in 2 months, another has just had to look for another job. another person i know their company is behind with their creidtors.


2 People who have migrated in past 12 months may have had it tougher because collapse of uk house prices and falling exchange rate = less available cash to liquidate into $ to spend in aus. Also many professions not as accessible as a few years back.


3 Migration is a very stressfull situation, i find it difficult to believe anyone can uproot their entire lives and be totallly 100 % happy from moment they step off a plane, if they are then they either have something they have to hide or their life in uk must have been very very unhappy (and i mean this in the senes that everyone has a past in the uk or country of origin and i cant believe there are people who miss nothing unless your in a war situation)


4 if you have nothing to gain from leaving the uk except for the chance of a better lifestyle (ie beach life, more time with children), then seriously consider it. we had good jobs, family support, financialy very secure, but in alot of terms are worse off. Hubby works longer, i work longer, on reflection FINANCIALLY we were better off in the uk. But socially,.... well socially we are much better off by far and you know what, im beginning to see that having weekends away is far better than 2 weeks in spain or europe 2 times a year for eg (apart from culture) .


just my opinion please dont flame :huh:



Ye well said clare on all accounts ;) and on er go with this one

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Guest blackyboyd
As as Local living in the UK i have been following this forum for some time, i think it is wonderful and very helpful.


It does get my goat up some times when a very very small percentage speak before thinking. A forum is not meant to be offensive and i find the above offensive and well, small minded.


Therefore this has prompted me to add a quote from an Aussie news paper, which all brits should read and make there final decision before buying their one way tickets!






Actually, I think you actually wrote this post to yourself, perhaps you should think before you speak in future and especially about things you certainly know nothing about. Try leaving your comfort zone and moving your whole family to the other side of the world, have the troubles that we have had, then YOU come and talk to me!!!









Actually when i say local that means born and bred in Adelaide so i trumps you there and know more about Adelaide, S.A. and Australia than you ever will!


I moved to the UK 8 years ago for the same experience you are all having. I went with $20,000 which gave me about £8,000, this lasted all of 4 months so i know about money worries. I had all the same problems you had but not once did i slag off the UK and its people, i intergrated, changed my ways and fitted in regardless of all the brick walls.


In the 8 years not once have i ever socialised with the UK Australian community and all my friends are Brits or European. Fair enough i have met a lot of tossers along the way you just learn to brush them off.


i was lucky enough to meet a lovely ladie and she will be coming back to live in Adelaide also, she is scared but looking forward to it. I have a lot of pressure to make it work for both of us. I had always planned to return and since my time away i have lost 3 grandparents. missed out on a lot of my neices and nephews growing up and lost one 18 year old nephew that was very close to me in a car crash. so i have also suffered, thats why its our time to come home.


So now you know a little about me!


When we were out in November i did a lot of comparison with living costs and noticed a rise in a lot of areas but wages have also doubled so its evens out. The State is a lot more afflluent and the 12 month since i was last there you can see the money everywhere, new houses, new cars redevopment etc.


The whole racist thing i find a bit strange as Australia was colonised by the British, mainly Prisoners of Her Majesty (POMS) you are not a different race, colour or language we are the same. The word is grossly overused and misrepresented. Our only persecutsion would be the treatment of the Aborigines and you were involved in that also!


Drivers in Aus are'nt bad they just wont let you out, they never have or never will. Having driven a lot in the UK this is a very nice trait but this is mainly due to the lower speeds caused by consistent conjestion which is vertually non existant in Adelaide and because it is well designed there is always a way round it.


I also remenber years ago we had a referendum to loose the British Monarchy and the people voted to retain it so you cant say we are anti British as a nation.


Adelaide and its people are generally very welcoming but we definately dont like whingers thats the way we are. I am glad to see that this good old British trait hasn't died and will live on through you! MAy you find hapiness in Perth where i believe they will shower you in rose petals carry your shopping and fall at your feet.






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Guest redfoxy

Actually when i say local that means born and bred in Adelaide so i trumps you there and know more about Adelaide, S.A. and Australia than you ever will!


I moved to the UK 8 years ago for the same experience you are all having. I went with $20,000 which gave me about £8,000, this lasted all of 4 months so i know about money worries. I had all the same problems you had but not once did i slag off the UK and its people, i intergrated, changed my ways and fitted in regardless of all the brick walls.


In the 8 years not once have i ever socialised with the UK Australian community and all my friends are Brits or European. Fair enough i have met a lot of tossers along the way you just learn to brush them off.


i was lucky enough to meet a lovely ladie and she will be coming back to live in Adelaide also, she is scared but looking forward to it. I have a lot of pressure to make it work for both of us. I had always planned to return and since my time away i have lost 3 grandparents. missed out on a lot of my neices and nephews growing up and lost one 18 year old nephew that was very close to me in a car crash. so i have also suffered, thats why its our time to come home.


So now you know a little about me!


When we were out in November i did a lot of comparison with living costs and noticed a rise in a lot of areas but wages have also doubled so its evens out. The State is a lot more afflluent and the 12 month since i was last there you can see the money everywhere, new houses, new cars redevopment etc.


The whole racist thing i find a bit strange as Australia was colonised by the British, mainly Prisoners of Her Majesty (POMS) you are not a different race, colour or language we are the same. The word is grossly overused and misrepresented. Our only persecutsion would be the treatment of the Aborigines and you were involved in that also!


Drivers in Aus are'nt bad they just wont let you out, they never have or never will. Having driven a lot in the UK this is a very nice trait but this is mainly due to the lower speeds caused by consistent conjestion which is vertually non existant in Adelaide and because it is well designed there is always a way round it.


I also remenber years ago we had a referendum to loose the British Monarchy and the people voted to retain it so you cant say we are anti British as a nation.


Adelaide and its people are generally very welcoming but we definately dont like whingers thats the way we are. I am glad to see that this good old British trait hasn't died and will live on through you! MAy you find hapiness in Perth where i believe they will shower you in rose petals carry your shopping and fall at your feet.








Hello everyone..this thread is very active with a lot of strong feelings. How can anyone compare australia, adelaide to "once was" Great Britian. From what I can see people go home because of missing family and thats the main reason. Yes its all costs money coming here and that sometime makes people bitter, but its the same for us all. I would have rather tried though and give up than spent the rest of my life wanting to do something and never had the guts to try.....I beleive in that saying love it or leave it !! Perhaps, if the SA government want to populate then they should re assess the visa terms a little better, but we have to remember its their rules !! :wubclub:

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Firstly to blackyboyd - respect to you and what you say. Its just the same for those that have gone the opposite way.


Just like to say have watched this develop and am amazed at some of the things said. Perhaps i have been lucky, who knows! Its obvious that at the end of the day coming to Oz is not going to be for everyone. I feel for those that do struggle and the present economic climate does not help. Those that arrived a couple of years ago do realise that they arrived in a different climate and maybe had the better opportunity to get settled into work and houses than those of us just arriving and those due to arrive shortly, but at the end of the day they did struggle so feel it is unfair to have a go at them when they say they do love it here. I'm sorry to say that too many have those famous rose tinted glasses on.


Since being here i can say that we have had no cause to say that any ozzies are anti us. The only people i have come across with an attitude at work are POMS them selves and can you blame the ozzies for taking offence to it? One of the reasons i wanted to leave the UK was to get away from the Uk mentality of "the big i am and our house is bigger than yours" and too many come across and bring that attitude with them. Sure at work the word POM is said a few times but mostly after some good old fashioned p..s taking! We was told BEFORE we came to expect certain things and not just stand there but give a good old fashioned quick response back and then you get that respect. If you want to take the p..s out of people you got to expect and accept some back. At work the people who get the most stick are from New Zealand but not once have i heard them complain, get used to it! I have heard people mention wogs etc but NOT ONCE has it been said in a bad way, its just the ozzie way.

We have come here not expecting to be rich but to bl..dy work. Too many come here thinking that they can work part time have the big house with the pool and spend half the week on the beach! You tell me one place in the world where anyone in their right mind can expect life to be like that! There is not anywhere that happens!

I work 6 days a week and between 10 and 12 hours a day so if you base it on an hourly rate im worse off here. The only time i worked that many hours in the uk was having to work for cash in hand at weekends and evenings just to pay the bills and have anything like what we have here!

Was i shoked about this? No! I researched it, i asked people, i looked at job pages, i spoke to people who have been there and done it!

Cost of living - what did people expect? Its surprising what a bit of research does! No point just looking at where the best beaches are and where you can hold the most Koalas!


Well according to some we live in the ghetto crime ridden North, an area we will be staying in, we dont have the oppertunity to get together with all the english friends in the south every other night for a barbie as its too far, we are 1/2 hour drive from the sandy beaches, we pay the same bills as everyone else, we do spend a lot of our time with our new great ozzie new friends who will do anything for you and are great company, i work probably harder and longer than i did in the uk but was i shocked? NO we came here with realistic expectations and with the understanding that it would be hard and this way!


I would much prefer to bring my kids up in a country where they dont ban nursery rhymes because the words "black sheep" are said and people have pride in the flag outside and where school kids are allowed to sing their own countries national anthem at school without worrying if it offends someone!


Im sorry if what i have said upsets anyone its just the way i see it but to all those still to get here get those stupid Tinted Glasses off!

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Guest cornish Busdriver

Well said Ian.

I was used to working 12 hr days 6 days a week in the uk and missus work 5 nights a week so we only had wednesdays togeather so like you done all the proper research before we came.

Yes i will be working five or six days a week here but at least the missus and i will get time together eveings now as she will be working back on days.

I cant beleive there are still people coming here with the old rose tints on or not planning what if this or that happens.

We came here to get shot of the i am better than you, pc-brigade, nanny state attitudes that the UK is renound for.

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Guest Guest75
Jacqui, it is not simply for many people an option to go back,many now have no career options back home because they have hoped that Adelaide would improve and stayed thus compromising employment prospects back home.In addition falling house prices here and exchange fluctuations mean often there is no option to go back,believe me i know many who would.


Cornishbusdriver i am a lawyer for gods sake,there is no one who did more research than me.Health issues for our family arose after we came and believe you me having long term health issues here is dire and the cost of medication is bloody scary.I would have no such worries in the uk.


Same **** shinier bucket,if only.


I am sure that if you both have decent jobs,in good health,you would see Adelaide in an entirely different light.


You should count yourself very lucky.




Shame that things have not improved for you Sue.I remember you posting exactly the same stuff 2 years ago on AdBrits.

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Guest Fat Boy Fat
KAZZARAZZA,please forgive my ignorance i had not realised that the manager of Port Adelaide was a young indian lad,




That would explain why Port are such a crap team.

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Guest Guest75
That would explain why Port are such a crap team.




Not telling anyone to get to Cuba yet???


Owzya doin???


Can we get this to 20 pages???

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Tyke,i agree entirely things have changed, they have got a lot worse sadly.


Some places are right for some people and some are not, but due to daughter now being three yrs behind in high school in the Uk and already having serious health issues the damage we could cause her by returning is a grave issue and causing a great deal of stress and her doctors also feel it might be detrimental


So,may well be that despite our misery here, we have no choice but to stay .


Adelaide has many good points,but for our personal circumstances Adelaide is just not the place to be.


The life we had back home no longer exists due to the money we have lost and the lack of income since being here,we would be lucky to get a mortgage and go from living in a lovely area,that we lived in to a pretty crap area with high crime and crap schools.How could anyone live with the guilt of doing that to their child.


In addition our daughter likes Adelaide


People have so many complicating factors that make just leaving not feasible,these flippant "if you dont like it go" comments are so ignorant and insulting.



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Hi guys my turn. lol.


My Oh has already spoke on this matter, about what we have been thru since we arrived here, and have we has some real c rap times if there is c rap times to be had i reckon they will find us ( as most of our friends will point out )


We knew it wasnt going to be all play and no work, and we never thought it would turn out the way it has after 8 months, i am now at home with the kids and Kat is hard at work most days.

And i tell you what the shock of being at home all day and doing what Kat would do when i was at work is hard to get used to, i am used to working earning the money you know, i am not sexist but we did say whoever could get the best job would work.


In reality i never thought i would be the one at home.


When we arrived here we came with the attitude of right, whatever has gone before has gone now, this is it we land @ Adelaide airport with no more £10,000, we are going to think Australian, and with the exception of not having an Australian passport i am going to be Australian.

Sure there are alot of things that are different to the UK, but i aint going to complain about it cos i won't be able to change the way things are or the way things work over here.


We goto the beach and our 5 & 10 yr olds dnt seem to tire of going to the beach, we rock up with our esky, spades, buckets snorkels etc etc and have a great day or even just a few hours, to see the lil ones happy and enjoying it to me concretes the fact that what we are doing is right for them.

Our bigger kids are off out doing their own thing and hopefully learning from their own mistakes as you can never say to a teenager - I Told You So !!!!


We had no house to sell in the UK, and we did not live an axtravagent lifestyle in the UK, we did not earn big money and as it stands right now we ARE alot better off here than we were in the UK and thats just financially, add onto that the lifestyle that we have over here with the end result in their being no way Jose we are going back to the UK live.


Sure we had some bad i mean real bad times, but we have made some great friends (migrants and Aussies) over here so great in fact that they seem like family more than friends, some of these these guys were all in the same situation when they arrived here i think making friendships like we have is one of the key elements to making it work out here.


The more friends you have i find it makes it easier to deal with, sometimes Kat and i look back at what has been thrown t us and think blimey were still here if we can get thru what we have been thru then i believe ppl with the right friendship and support can get thru anything.


At the end of the day we all came here for a reason, dnt forget that reason.



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Originally Posted by weesp viewpost.gif

I would just like to my two penneth in.


We have been here for 7 months now. At first I was enjoying it, positive, its a new country, going to be different etc etc and yes we have spent, spent, spent, spent and spent.


Now the holiday feeling has worn off, not sure that I want to raise my kids here.


Firstly, I can't give the kids what they had in the UK nowhere near it, I'm forever saying NO. We are struggling like we was 20 years ago! My OH is a painter & decorator on s**t wages, I work partime and still we struggle. My 3 boys are into football which the fees are totally extortionate 3 times more expensive than the UK. The Aussies think that our tradesmen are only good for digging holes and he's been told that by one! My OH is a fully qualified P&D had his own business for 4 years in the UK. How does that work that you can get $25 for cleaning and $24/28 for a skilled electrician or tradie!!!!!!!! Yeah the beaches are good when u can swim in them if theyve not been closed due to SHARKS. The barbies are great but beer and wine every weekend costs a fortune, money we aint got. Our food bill is above the UK. Somebody else mentioned the drivers here, that u take your life into your own hands. There is crime here, it goes on all the time, they just dont print it thats why it seems lower. My kids are on the street and see what goes on. There was a stabbing, fights and a rape on NYE at Glenelg and that was a good one!!!!!!!!


U dont need a crystal ball to see that you'll always be broke here. I know the UK is in depression, but least u get free schooling, free medicare.


I knew it would be hard, but truely not this hard, we're on the 495 temp so get no help, we are friendly people and have made some great friends all English, our Aussie neighbours dont want to mingle with us brits. Our friends, who have lived in Sydney and Perth, said that SA is the most racist towards the brits!!!! Really dont want to stay in Adelaide are thinking of going to Perth where it is more modern and people are more friendly.




I felt I had to reply to this I am an electrician and dont know where you get your wages from but I earn more than the wages you put for sparkies as for unfriendly aussies I have found it the complete opposite and have quite a few aussie friends from the building sites I have worked on yes over here we have to dig trenches but so do the aussie sparks we dug one the other day me and an aussie spark :) as for p&d wages the ones I have worked with earn nearly as much as me and I am earning more than I was in the uk with more fringe benefits

Its not all doom and gloom I actually look forward to going to work now and the day flies past I have had no racism towards me yea sure we take the pee out of each other but its friendly banter and no malice in it

some things are more expensive here yes shopping for one

as for crime we go out quite a lot and have not seen any yes it goes on but not nearly as much as in the uk

So all in all we are loving our new life in australia and have been here for 8 months now and a lot more years to come I hope :)[/quote


Well done Lynn for saying what other people think but are too frightened to say as they do not want to tread on other people's toes. As you know 99% of our friends are going thro similar to you hence why they are moving out of Adelaide and trying somewhere else. I partly blame those programmes like 'Wanted Down Under' who lead you to believe that it is living the dream when at times it is living a nightmare.

I could write a book but people have to find out these things for themselves. Some friends in Perth warned me not to come to Adelaide, their words were 'that it is the least desirable place to live in Oz'. I thought that they were just being bitter, but I am going to Perth next week to find out if they are right!

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Guest norah battie
I have been here 2yrs 8mnths, have 2 young boys at school and work long hours for a basic salary but in a job i really enjoy. My boys go to R-12 Hallett Cove state school and I find (so far) the method of teaching here very good. The first year the teacher invited her whole class back for a xmas party - that would be unheard of in England.


Take it you mean to her house....... This is actually unheard of here

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Guest njacinthebox
Jacqui, it is not simply for many people an option to go back,many now have no career options back home because they have hoped that Adelaide would improve and stayed thus compromising employment prospects back home.In addition falling house prices here and exchange fluctuations mean often there is no option to go back,believe me i know many who would.


Cornishbusdriver i am a lawyer for gods sake,there is no one who did more research than me.Health issues for our family arose after we came and believe you me having long term health issues here is dire and the cost of medication is bloody scary.I would have no such worries in the uk.


Same **** shinier bucket,if only.


I am sure that if you both have decent jobs,in good health,you would see Adelaide in an entirely different light.


You should count yourself very lucky.




I didnt say it was 'that simple' just to go back. We will have financial problems if we go now and we have not been here a year. The point I was trying to make in my earlier tread was really a direct reference to the original thread; is that someone along the way said "give it 2 years to settle" and this seems to be repeated again and again. I was in Oz for 2 years and not settled back in 2003 so thats that myth down the shoot - two years didnt work for me! But if people are feeling unsure its not always right to keep hanging on thinking it will get better because in alot of cases (yours appearing to be one of them) things only get worse. I was trying to help by telling of my experiences. Im second time around, my husband and myself are much older now and again every situation is different but at our ages we do not have that amount of time to put aside and hope things will get better. I think that maay apply more so to the younger ones who come out here.:confused:

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Guest Guest75
Originally Posted by weesp viewpost.gif

I would just like to my two penneth in.


We have been here for 7 months now. At first I was enjoying it, positive, its a new country, going to be different etc etc and yes we have spent, spent, spent, spent and spent.


Now the holiday feeling has worn off, not sure that I want to raise my kids here.


Firstly, I can't give the kids what they had in the UK nowhere near it, I'm forever saying NO. We are struggling like we was 20 years ago! My OH is a painter & decorator on s**t wages, I work partime and still we struggle. My 3 boys are into football which the fees are totally extortionate 3 times more expensive than the UK. The Aussies think that our tradesmen are only good for digging holes and he's been told that by one! My OH is a fully qualified P&D had his own business for 4 years in the UK. How does that work that you can get $25 for cleaning and $24/28 for a skilled electrician or tradie!!!!!!!! Yeah the beaches are good when u can swim in them if theyve not been closed due to SHARKS. The barbies are great but beer and wine every weekend costs a fortune, money we aint got. Our food bill is above the UK. Somebody else mentioned the drivers here, that u take your life into your own hands. There is crime here, it goes on all the time, they just dont print it thats why it seems lower. My kids are on the street and see what goes on. There was a stabbing, fights and a rape on NYE at Glenelg and that was a good one!!!!!!!!


U dont need a crystal ball to see that you'll always be broke here. I know the UK is in depression, but least u get free schooling, free medicare.


I knew it would be hard, but truely not this hard, we're on the 495 temp so get no help, we are friendly people and have made some great friends all English, our Aussie neighbours dont want to mingle with us brits. Our friends, who have lived in Sydney and Perth, said that SA is the most racist towards the brits!!!! Really dont want to stay in Adelaide are thinking of going to Perth where it is more modern and people are more friendly.




I felt I had to reply to this I am an electrician and dont know where you get your wages from but I earn more than the wages you put for sparkies as for unfriendly aussies I have found it the complete opposite and have quite a few aussie friends from the building sites I have worked on yes over here we have to dig trenches but so do the aussie sparks we dug one the other day me and an aussie spark :) as for p&d wages the ones I have worked with earn nearly as much as me and I am earning more than I was in the uk with more fringe benefits

Its not all doom and gloom I actually look forward to going to work now and the day flies past I have had no racism towards me yea sure we take the pee out of each other but its friendly banter and no malice in it

some things are more expensive here yes shopping for one

as for crime we go out quite a lot and have not seen any yes it goes on but not nearly as much as in the uk

So all in all we are loving our new life in australia and have been here for 8 months now and a lot more years to come I hope :)[/quote


Well done Lynn for saying what other people think but are too frightened to say as they do not want to tread on other people's toes. As you know 99% of our friends are going thro similar to you hence why they are moving out of Adelaide and trying somewhere else. I partly blame those programmes like 'Wanted Down Under' who lead you to believe that it is living the dream when at times it is living a nightmare.

I could write a book but people have to find out these things for themselves. Some friends in Perth warned me not to come to Adelaide, their words were 'that it is the least desirable place to live in Oz'. I thought that they were just being bitter, but I am going to Perth next week to find out if they are right!



I sincerely hope Perth is what you expect.


I'm hearing a lot about recession and cut backs there - a lot of tradies are on 3 day weeks now.

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i said i wouldn't do this, but...................................


Perth..............is there no crime there then? Have they turned into Stepford people?

You are a little niaive to think that the situation there is any better than the murder capital of Australia.

Unless i am mistaken, and i am sure many will correct me, isnt Australias most highly secure prison just outside of Perth???? Curious that.


Sadly, crime is a fact of life, dear;


I repeat again!! Please stop compounding the misery with your horror stories, and tales of woe; some have posted helpful, hope filled responses to this, if anyone had noticed, and thank you for this. Adelaide is not nirvana; we will all find that when we're DEAD; as this little debate should be.

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i said i wouldn't do this, but...................................


Perth..............is there no crime there then? Have they turned into Stepford people?

You are a little niaive to think that the situation there is any better than the murder capital of Australia.

Unless i am mistaken, and i am sure many will correct me, isnt Australias most highly secure prison just outside of Perth???? Curious that.


Sadly, crime is a fact of life, dear;


I repeat again!! Please stop compounding the misery with your horror stories, and tales of woe; some have posted helpful, hope filled responses to this, if anyone had noticed, and thank you for this. Adelaide is not nirvana; we will all find that when we're DEAD; as this little debate should be.


OK, let's kill it with an old one but a good one:

Q: How do you know that a planeload of poms has landed at Sydney Airport?

A: When the engines stop, the whining goes on!


Boom Boom (thank you Basil!) :P

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